
Blog of Denis VOITURON

for a better .NET world

FluentUI.Blazor v4.6


We’ve just released a new version 4.6 of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components. This release fixes some bugs detected over the last few days, but also adds a few new features.

  • Key Code Provider: global service for capturing keystrokes.
  • Pull to refresh: an interaction element commonly used in web and mobile applications.
  • Profile Menu: a component for managing user accounts.
  • Wizard + EditForm: Automatic form validation.

FluentUI.Blazor v4.5


We’ve just released a new version 4.5 of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components. This release corrects some bugs detected in recent days, but also adds a few new features.

  • New AppBar component.
  • Demo site: Component search.
  • Grid : Spacing and margins.
  • Menu and Popover: Threshold parameters
  • DataGrid: filtered property and visual indicator
  • MenuButton: Overlay and appearances
  • Card: MinimalStyle parameter
  • Tooltip : Additional behavior

Open at Microsoft - FluentUI.Blazor

Open at Microsoft

A few days ago, Vincent and I were lucky enough to be invited to Open at Microsoft.

Open at Microsoft is a weekly program for open-source enthusiasts. It features guests sharing their views on an open-source project. Thanks to Frank and Pablo we were able to record 3 video vignettes on FluentUI Blazor.

FluentUI.Blazor v4.4


We’ve just released a new version 4.4 of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components. This release corrects some bugs detected over the last few days, but also adds a few new features.

  • New Sortable List. Allows you to reorganize items in a list (or from one list to another) by drag-and-drop.
  • New KeyCode. Sometimes Blazor doesn’t retrieve all the KeyDown information it receives from JavaScript. This small component retrieves this data.
  • New (experimental) MultiSplitter. This component divides a panel into several sections, allowing the user to control the layout.
  • DataGrid Loading. We’ve added Loading and LoadingContent parameters to the FluentDataGrid data grid.
  • Lists components. Lists have been modified to handle the Items property in the same way as FluentOptions.

Blazor Render Modes in .NET 8

Before .NET 8, you usually ran your entire Blazor application using one of Blazor’s hosting models: WASM or Server.

  • With Blazor Server, your components run on the server, and all interactions between browser and server take place via an open socket connection.
  • With Blazor WASM, your entire application is sent to the browser where it runs; and all interactions with the user interface are handled directly in the browser.

.NET 8 lets you control the way your components run, by modifying what’s known as Render Mode.

Component rendering modes in .NET 8 are as follows :

  • Static server-side
  • Interactive server
  • Interactive WASM
  • Auto interactive
  • Streaming

But what is it? Which one to use?

FluentUI.Blazor v4.3


We’ve just released a new version 4.3 of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components. This release corrects some bugs detected in recent days, but also adds a few new features.

  • Wizard component: Wizards have a step-by-step user interface used to break down complex tasks into comprehensible elements.
  • Progress and ProgressRing: New Stroke and Color properties.
  • Tab: New Visible property.
  • PageScript: New component for loading JS in SSR mode.
  • Icons Explorer: Improved search on all sizes.
  • Documentation: improved demo site navigation menu.

FluentUI.Blazor v4.2


We’ve just released a new version 4.2 of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components. This version fixes some bugs detected over the last few days, but also adds a few new features.

  • FluentDesignTheme: manage your website theme and colors
  • FluentCheckbox: Intermediate mode added
  • FluentAutoComplete: AutoComplete attribute to disable (Off) the browser’s default autocomplete.
  • FluentGrid: HiddenWhen attribute to hide elements when the screen is resized.
  • FluentInputFile: ProgressTemplate and bindable ProgressPercent.

FluentUI.Blazor v4.1


We’ve just released a new version of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components 4.1. This version fixes some bugs detected over the last few days, but also adds a few new features.

  • FluentCalendar: Days / Months / Years views added.
  • FluentCheckbox: Indeterminate status added.
  • FluentAccordionItem: added HeaderTemplate attribute.
  • FluentSplitter: added OnCollapsed and OnExpanded functionality.

Announcing Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components


We are happy to announce the availability of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components 4.0, the latest version of our new library of graphic components in FluentUI format. As we mentioned already on our GitHub discussion feed, we are making some fundamental changes in this one. In short:

  • We are changing the root namespace
  • This version targets .NET 8 only .

How to create Unit Tests for the FluentUI Blazor project?


In the dynamic field of Blazor web development, creating applications that are both innovative and reliable is a top priority. As the complexity of our projects increases, so does the risk of bugs and malfunctions. This is where the importance of unit testing comes into its own.

Unit testing offers a systematic approach to the verification of small individual units of code. By subjecting these units to a variety of scenarios and inputs, developers can ensure that their code behaves as expected, identify weaknesses and detect problems early in the development cycle. In the context of Blazor, where backend and frontend logic converge, unit testing plays a central role in maintaining stability and performance.

In this article, we explore the world of unit testing used in the FluentUI Blazor projects. We’ll dive into the basic concepts, understand its importance in maintaining code quality, and discover best practices for creating tests quickly and efficiently.



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